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Start Strong Preschool

In 2023 families will be able to OPT IN for FREE PRESCHOOL for 15 hours or 2 days per week at community based preschools or to get FEE RELIEF if they are 4 years old and attend Long Day Care.

Information has been emailed to all eligible families about this program.

To recieve the free preschool or fee relief, families must fill in a DECLARATION FORM stating which service they want to opt into this program at.

Declaration forms must be recieved by 19th December 2022.

Normal fees apply to families who do not opt in for the Start Strong program at the service.

This change impacts

Deniliquin Preschool

Barham Preschool

Deniliquin Childcare Centre (for children agerd 4 yrs at 31/7/23 and over)

For more information or to access the Declaration form,

Or contact the admin team on 03 58 812 394 or email


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