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Educators learn at 2024 organisation training

The new curriculum document, the Early Years Learning Framework 2.0 was the topic of training on 2nd February 2024 for educators of River Region Early Education.

Teachers and educators were engaged and challenged by respected early education consultant, Catharine Hydon.

The training took place in Barham, and included a tour of the Barham Early Learning Service for the visiting Deniliquin Educators.

All educators had already been provided with a copy of the new document, and had spent time exploring key terms from the glossary- some new and some familiar.

At the training, the focus was on the practice of Play Based Learning and Intentionality. "Educators are intentional in all aspects of the curriculum and act deliberately, thoughtfully and purposefully to support children’s learning through play. They recognise that learning occurs in social contexts and that joint attention, interactions, conversations and shared thinking are vitally important for learning."

By the end of the training day, each room team had developed a plan for intentional play with their children.

The discussion and collaboration between educators of different ages, experience and stage of career was rich and meaningful.

The educator team was grateful to the Board of Mangement for investing in such a valuable training day, and to the families who supported the closure of the services so that all educators could benefit.

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May 29
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